Fedor Shtern – Licensed Guide in Florence

Being a naturalised Florentine since the age of five, I discovered my city’s stunning historical and artistic heritage organically, while wandering through its streets and museums as a curious child and an idle teenager keen on all things art. At the time I thought I was simply strolling around with my mates or playing truant from school, but actually it turns out I was setting the foundations of my future career.
After graduating from high-school my desire to see more of the world and my passion for the humanities brought me to London, where I earned a First-Class Honours degree from Goldsmiths College. Upon completion, the next logical step was taking advantage of my newly acquired international perspective to introduce visitors from all over the world to the architecture, sculptures and art that first kindled my love for the wonders of history and culture. Hence, in 2018 I returned to Florence and, after officially certifying as a tour guide, I embarked on this journey.
Since then, the challenge I have set myself as a tour guide is to reveal how, even in our age of informational overload, Florence can still engage us with images of awe-inspiring beauty, touching personal stories and an overarching narrative of innovation which reveals why the city’s star still shines so brightly in the sky of world culture.
mobile phone +39 339 334 9213
Partita Iva/Vat nr. 06989110488